? ?Arts and Sports Culture Business Studies Course
1.概要 Program Overview
芸術やスポーツを世界と結び付け、人々の幸福を生み出すことで文化的価値を高めていくために、経営学やビジネス手法などのさまざまな理論を学び、実践します。芸術とスポーツを軸に社会価値を創造し、感動と豊かな暮らしに満ちたまちづくりと地域の活性化を図り、社会に貢献する人材を育成します。In order to enhance the cultural value of fine arts and sports through connecting them to
the world and generating happiness among people, students study various theories in
management, business techniques and practical approaches and put them into practice.
Students are trained to contribute to society using fine arts and sports as keys to create
social values to develop a community full of excitement and high quality of life and revitalize
the region.
2.開設科目 Courses offered
(1)~(3)により、合計7科目以上を履修すること。? ?A total of 7 or more classes are completed from categories (1)-(3)
(1)演習授業(1科目以上) Seminar (one or more classes)
? ? ??Participation in class overseen by an academic advisor
(2)研究論文(1科目以上) Research thesis (one or more classes)
? ? ??Writing of a thesis under the instruction of an academic advisor
(3)自由選択科目(3科目以上) Elective class (3 or more classes)
? ? ? Determined after consultation with an academic advisor